Category Archives: kinetic typography

stein motion

an accompaniment to the tender buttons anthology from type, these videos go along with the same concept of needing all the pieces of information to complete the thought. in the book it’s needing the black and the white pages to overlap and make sense of the poem, in the videos this similar idea is seen in the second one, in the first video however, pages are replaced with hands. with these motion pieces i definitely pursued experimentation quite a bit easier than what i experienced with my book. but these too i think could still use refinement in the craft area. i am getting more interested in motion/filming the more i work with it.

THIS IS THE DRESS, AIDER. Aider, why aider why whow, whow stop touch, aider whow, aider stop the muncher, muncher munchers. A jack in kill her, a jack in, makes a meadowed king, makes a to let.

ORANGE. Why is a feel oyster an egg stir. Why is it orange centre. A show at tick and loosen loosen it so to speak sat. It was an extra leaker with a see spoon, it was an extra licker with a see spoon.

another test

storyboards, for the concept above, and for the previous testing.

with my motion piece and book i’m focusing on the discovery of understanding by un/covering and connecting the pieces of the poems to create something whole. with gertrude’s use of repetition, in her mind all the repeated words seem necessary, and that you can’t have one without the other, they come as a set, this is how my kinetic type and book concepts correlate to one another.

testing / storyboards

a few thoughts for storyboards. and i have changed one my poems, so instead of cake i will be using:

THIS IS THE DRESS, AIDER. Aider, why aider why whow, whow stop touch, aider whow, aider stop the muncher, muncher munchers. A jack in kill her, a jack in, makes a meadowed king, makes a to let.

and still use

ORANGE. Why is a feel oyster an egg stir. Why is it orange centre. A show at tick and loosen loosen it so to speak sat. It was an extra leaker with a see spoon, it was an extra licker with a see spoon.

Scan 3

the things i want to focus on are connections/separation/discovery/enclosure/overlapping.

i made this stop motion test using orange.

inspiration + poems

both of these kinetic type videos capture analog methods, the first one works well demonstrating how to give words emphasis, the second isn’t as refined but thought it was an interesting concept on how to create the type.

taking tender buttons into motion i have chosen these 2 poems_maybe

CAKE. Cake cast in went to be and needles wine needles are such. This is today. A can experiment is that which makes a town, makes a town dirty, it is little please. We came back. Two bore, bore what, a mussed ash, ash when there is tin. This meant cake. It was a sign. Another time there was extra a hat pin sought long and this dark made a display. The result was yellow. A caution, not a caution to be. It is no use to cause a foolish number. A blanket stretch a cloud, a shame, all that bakery can tease, all that is beginning and yesterday yesterday we had it met. It means some change. No some day. A little leaf upon a scene an ocean any where there, a bland and likely in the stream a recollection green land. Why white.

ORANGE. Why is a feel oyster an egg stir. Why is it orange centre. A show at tick and loosen loosen it so to speak sat. It was an extra leaker with a see spoon, it was an extra licker with a see spoon.


i haven’t really nailed down or figured out what exactly i am going to do with the design of my codex, but it surely needs to be consistent. one thought for the motion that pictured was a book flapping open and then all of a sudden it is wide open and pages start flying everywhere and the type of the poems is shown on the flying pages, zooming in on particular parts of the text.